Sunday 27 October 2013


看了朋友写写关于在马六甲出去吃的食物和自己在家里 a.k.a 宿舍煮的食物篇啦...想想...何时我也能那么厉害啊哈哈哈!!! xD

认识我的朋友都知道我从小就不需要自己烦恼这些东西..觉得还蛮不错的, 蛮感兴趣的..可是就没有机会下厨啊...啊机会是自己制造的哦...=.=''' 制造过了也被骂过了...=.=''' 所以真的真的都没有机会啦!!! 别质疑我了哈哈哈!!! xD

然后就中五后就到了日本3个星期...那时候是唯一我真的下厨的时候..^^ 在日本就和一位朋友逛那里附近的三间超市, 像 auntie 一样比价钱啊...xD 日本朋友还教了一些简单的...okonomiyaki, nikujaga 和 oyakodon 的...xD 我啊, 在拿 spm 成绩当天还做了 okonomiyaki 给我中学朋友吃呢!! 姐姐生日时也做了...xD
那来到这里...第三年..自己在外面住了..^^ 终于有厨房有冰箱了!!! xD 也和他一起下厨好几次咯!!! 几乎天天都煮啊...所以在这里几乎两个月了我只去过 MMU Corner, Sushi King 和 Mc D 吃东西...=.=''' 大部分都在家里自己煮...xD


啊好像很厉害哦...=.=''' 其实不以为然....嗯...我的厨艺有待加强...最重要是...我真的很怕自己下厨..T.T 我很怕我真的把厨房给炸爆了...>.< 不过幸好也有朋友帮助啦, 我有很成功的做过午餐拿去学校和他一起吃咯...:P 还有自己准备晚餐和他一起吃...xD 哈哈哈!!! 都很不错吧!!! xD

Weekend 自己在家就随便煮 miso 汤 miso 面和生菜...xD 都是他不能接受的...=.=''' 啊容易方便又健康..^^ 啊总之...想说的就是...朋友听到我要煮就全部摆那种样子啦...=.=''' 拜托!!! 我会慢慢进步的..xD 哈哈哈!!! xD 不过有一点要称赞的是...男生朋友好多都会去买菜煮菜的..xD 很不错吧!!! xD 比我还强好多...T.T 可悲的我啊!!! xD
会努力加强的啦!!! 那位没在嫌弃就好....xD

Sunday 20 October 2013


Just realized I didn't really blog about what happened after Year 3 started. xD So the 1st event we did is....

1) MoonFest BBQ Party!!!!
 It's a nice thing to be living so close to each other. We all live in the same taman, so we decided to plan a BBQ Party to celebrate Mooncake Festival!!! So some of us went to buy lots of stuffs from pasar and supermarkets before the real day. Whoa...Chicken breasts, chicken wings and drumsticks cost us about RM140++...Can imagine how much we ate huh...:P
This is the only pic that I have that really showed that we were BBQ-ing...>.< Paiseh lar...xD Hahaha!!! I know you guys won't see my blog so I post this HAHAHA!!! >.<
Super shock expression....xD
Me, Chui Wei and Xyndy! Taken using Xyndy's Instax Cam!!
So besides busy eating foods, we had a Sing K session too...=.=''' Sang in the living room while some sitiing outside enjoying their foods..xD Oh, forget to mention that guys even drew "中秋节快了" and posted at their house as decoration!! xD Really got the 中秋节 atmosphere huh..:P

2) MoonFest!!
UTeM KKKC Club had organised a Moonfest at UTeM...xD So we had to perform 1 dance lar...>.< It's quite rushing as this event occurred on 27th of September, we only had not more than 3 weeks to practice..T.T But we really did put a lot of effort in it...xD
This is how I look! xD Our club T-Shirt!! xD
Girls ROX!! xD 
It's so nice that everyone was able to join that event..xD It's our last year and we didn't really join much UTeM events before, and finally here we are!! xD
Friends who performed with me!! ^^
Me and Xue Yan!! xD
Me and Ong!! xD
It's so nice that he prepared dinner for me...xD He cooked fried rice and dabao for me as I don't have the time to eat at home...xD Thanks really much!! xD

After the performance and all, I joined my friends for games!! It's really fun seeing them enjoyed themselves so much...xD
One of the game..xD Super funny to see them work together to win the game...xD
Of course to play all these games, we had to buy coupons...:P Coupons can be used to buy foods and drinks too!!
Girls!! xD
A lil blur, but this is the only photos that MOST of us are in it...xD
After MoonFest, we went back, wanted to sing K, but rooms were fully booked....So we changed plan and went to yumcha at Old Town instead..^^ Had a great night!! xD

That's how my September ended..^^ A lil busy, a lil tension, a lil stress, that's how my life is now. Although moonfest is over, but I still have to prepare for convocation performances..T.T And MUET...I guess I don't have much time to update blog too...T.T 

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Korea Trip 之 Seoul Day 3!!

第三天!!! 也就是我们在这一间旅店住的最后一晚...好不舍得啊!! 真的很舒服!! 这个是酒店的天台啦!! ^^ 因为我一直说很羡慕外国就是学校都有天台啊, 很不错的..^^ 可惜马来西亚太热了...>.< 不然我也好想拿便当和朋友在天台上吃呢..^^
在天台望出去的风景..xD 都是高楼大厦啊!!

过后我们就到女人街啦!! 就是梨花女子大学 (Ewha Woman's University) 那一带啦!! 朋友给我看过介绍这里的 youtube video, 说这里的东西很便宜吃的也特别便宜...果真不是骗人的啊!!! 那么大份就 6000 won, 到哪儿找啊!!!
那个 significant 的大大高跟鞋!!! xD
 过后买了一大堆衣服裙子裤子之后, 当然要到这间非常有历史性的大学啦!! ^^ 真的很好, 有几位站在街上, 专门为旅客服务的..^^ 大学真的好大啊!! 一望去青青一片, 还有一排排的花朵..^^ 太阳真的很猛烈..>.< 不过难得来到还是去拍了下照片啦!! ^^
 啊还有像 Gossip Girl 里主人公都要坐在阶梯那里谈天的...xD 就兴奋地在那儿拍照...=.=''' 哈哈哈!!!
 过后也走走要找 Hello Kitty Restaurant!!! 啊真的走了好久...皇天不负有心人啊!!! 不过....价格太贵了...=.=''' 只在前面拍了几张照片哈哈哈!!!! xD

过后又回到了明洞哈哈哈!!!! 要去吃晚餐啦!! 在路上就看到了这个可爱的..xD 就又 beh paiseh 的拍照了...xD

晚餐决定在明洞附近的 Lotte Duty Free Mall 的 Food Court 吃!!! 啊食物其实还好罢了...>.< 买了面包..xD

过后爸爸就先回家了..xD 太累了吧..:P 我妈妈和姐姐就到处走走咯!!! 帮朋友买专辑...不过又下雨哦!!! 就到 Hollys' Coffee 这里点了他们蛮出名的 Sweet Potato Latte!! 我觉得...还不错吧...xD 不过又真的有点太贵了...一杯咖啡的价钱几乎是吃一餐正餐的价钱啊!!!!
过后也趁爸爸不在酒到处去吃零食啊哈哈哈哈!!!! 有还蛮出名的长长的冰淇淋...就出名在很长吧哈哈哈!!! 还有那个在 Jonker Stree 都可以看到的 Potato 串!!! 不过这个有占了 Cheese, 特别好吃!! ^^

过后也没什么逛就回了...啊我们也不是很爱逛罢了咯哈哈哈!!!! xD 回去第二天要参加旅行团和一班人一起走了哦!! 所以回去睡好觉是很重要的啦!! ^^ 毕竟第一印象不可以太差哈哈哈!!!! xD 要保养一下第二天才有脸见人...xD

Saturday 12 October 2013

Korea Trip 之 Seoul Day 2!!

好久好久才 update 了这个韩国首尔之旅的第二天!!! 第二天我们到了冬季恋歌的拍摄场景, Nami Island!!! 真的是非常漂亮的一个岛!!

坐了地铁到Gapyeong站    , 再搭的士到 Nami Island 的"港口", 我们先去到一间餐馆吃午餐!! 好像 Uncle Jang 一样!! 我们叫了两人份的!! 反正爸爸也不吃肉!! >.< 一人份 10000 won, 饭两个2000 won, 总共 22000 won = RM66!!! 而且是两人份罢了哦!!!
不错, 只是也不便宜...>.< 
过后就搭了5分钟的船到 Nami Island!!! 啊真的很像进入了另一个仙境啊!! 真的很美..高树耸立一排排..还有很多情侣到那儿游玩呢!! 情侣衣,情侣帽,情侣鞋,情侣书包!! 都到处可见!!!
和一排排的树拍照..很美吧!!! xD

这个通往冬季恋歌拍摄初吻的桥!! xD 美吧!! 不过那水就有点肮脏...>.< 有点异味!!!

过后就看到了一片青青草原!!! 啊大爱大自然!!! 看到就情不自禁要拍多多照哈哈哈!!!!
一起拍鞋子!!! 超晒的不过为了拍照...什么都不顾啦!!!!
First Kiss!!!!

过后到处走走看看环游这不是很大也不是很小的岛..^^ 有礼品店, 还有很多很多树哈哈哈!! 随便拍这拍那照相机又没充电, 就 No Battery 了..>.< 幸好还有姐姐的 Ipad!! xD
超爱这一张!! 感觉自己好像年轻了一样哈哈哈!!!! 和爸爸是不是一个样啊!!!
过后也看到有人在这个 poster 前面拍照!! 我们也拍咯!!!还不错吧!! ^^

我们这一家..^^ 就我们四个!!! 爸爸的三位公主哈哈哈!!! xD 
过后也差不多5点多了!!!! 就搭船要回去咯!!! 搭去了 Jongno-5-Ga站 Exit 8, 去到了 Gwangjang market!!! 听说是还蛮出名的一个 market, 早上呢卖日常用品, 晚上就有一大堆做工的人到那里喝酒吃晚餐聊天的!!
泡菜饺子和饺子面!! 还有出名的 pancake 和甜甜的小小条的类似 sushi 的..^^ Pancake 还不错..^^
过后也有找东大门啦...不过找不到又觉得怪怪的...=.=''' 就回酒店咯!!!!
我们去时是夏天尾声..有很多这种小葡萄!!! 超好吃的不过种子很多!!! 还有 peach!! ^^ 
第二天就这样结束了..还不错..没有很 pack 的行程可以好好休息..^^

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Responsibilities · Life

It's been almost a month since 3rd year started. It's my last year diploma, so I guess it's normal to be a lil busier than last time. And it's even busier with me getting my MUET test this November and becoming the president...or so-called 班长 for the dance club.

I've never been a person who possess great sense of responsibilities, who lead others. However, since I've been given this opportunity, I guess it's better for me to try than to straightaway confirming that I'm not that type, I'm not suited to be a leader. Therefore, I choose to try and hoping by this, I would discover a side that I don't know about myself.
I am afraid of not being able to do a good job, but I can only try my best

Thanks for all the helps that I've been given and all the helps that I'll be given..xD
It's only been a month, and I can feel all my stuffs..and STRESS piling up..>.<
Good luck everyone!
Good luck to myself..^^