Monday 20 October 2014


Looking back at all those pics during diploma time, I seriously miss them....I miss how I get to complain about my coding not working, instead of dealing with people who don't give much cooperation. I miss how I get to just focus on doing fyp, instead of cracking my brain to write a BM karangan. I've stopped writing in BM after SPM.....>.< I miss doing projects with friends I know....It's only half of first sem, and I'm feeling sooooooo tired already...So stressful.....Maybe it's because I get so excited by all the activities that I made myself too busy with unnecessary stuff hahaha...How to balance between koku and studies? I'm still trying my best.....I hope I don't get ki siao at the end of semester....

I miss my old life...Although it's busy, at least I have friends by my side...whom I can just jio them and go for supper whenever I'm feeling stress....whom have seen my tears and comforted me to keep continue....whom I can have fun with after everything is over.....
I know there is no right or wrong decision in this, it's just different decision that will lead me to different path...I hope I'm strong enough to keep continue what I've chosen...=D


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