Sunday, 27 January 2013

These 4 days~!!

Due to the public holiday, I went back to Puchong on Thursday!! ^^ Went back with 2 of my friends and took LRT to Sri Petaling, only then my dad fetched me back home..^^
I still remember that I thought I bought the wrong ticket the 1st time as I have not taken LRT for a long time..They changed it to token..xD It used to be card..:P

Went to Fahrenheit at the same day..xD With mum and sis..^^ Went to Mirrorcle and bought a dress..A red dress hahaha!!! The queue to the fitting room is really long...and the queue to the cashier is even longer..>.< Probably because they sell NICE dresses with NICE price!! xD
Probably not that obvious from this picture, but it's really pack with lots of people..xD 

Mum queued up for Sushi Zanmai while me and sis went shopping at Mirrorcle..xD Always need to queue up at Sushi Zanmai regardless of the time..It's 4pm and yet there's a long queue in front of it...>.< 
 Soft-Shell Crab Sushi is a MUST to order for my mum..xD

2 large set that mum ordered..xD 1 is Soba and 1 is Rice with tempura..^^

Shopped awhile at H&M and Isetan..and went back home!! ^^ It's been a tiring day..^^ 

I thought I will be staying at home, watching movie and The Vampire Diaries..xD Then suddenly I remembered my friends called me to yumcha at night..xD hahahaha!!! At Tong Pak Fu..AGAIN!! HAHAHA!!! Not that I'm complaining..xD Went to Ning Jin's house and fetched her...So surprised that her house has renovated!!! So different that I thought I've arrived at the wrong house..:P This proves how long I never see you..xD hahaha!!! Met Jinn there and Bear Bear running late as she overslept..:P
 The flower tea that Jinn recommends..xD 养颜美容..xD And the Creme Brulee that I ordered!! Really NICE!!! The 1st time I tried this...NICE!!! But it's really small in portion and costs RM7.80...>.<

Chatted a lot with them as NJ came back from Taiwan after a year..>.< Hahaha!!! Too bad Boon Yee can't join us..>.< Took lots of pics as I requested!!! xD
 (Left) : Jinn and Me!!! (Right) : Me and Bear Bear!! xD
 (Left) : Me and NJ!!! Pose with her hands in attempt to make her face look smaller..xD
(Right) : UGLY ME!!! xD Showing off my teeth..xD 
 Group Photos!!! xD Jinn's face look so small here..:P 
 HAHAHA!!! Posing 1, 2, 3, 4..xD According to NJ, the Right pic, it means she used 4 fingers to korek her nose..xD hahahaha!!!!! Saying that it's more efficient than using 1 finger...=.=''' hahahaha!!!!! >.<

 Went to Mid Valley with mum and sis..xD wakakaka!!!! Went to have our lunch at Waku Waku!!

Soft-Shell crab salad!!! Ordered by mum as usual..xD Salmon bla-bla spaghetti..xD It has half-boiled egg and lots of cheese in it..xD Quite Nice!!
 Salmon buttered rice I think...Not really nice..>.< But I do like Salmon very much..^^

Went to Uniqlo...For the RM49.90 jeans..But ended up didn't buy anything..xD Went to the edu fair as well..^^ Asked about degree in IT and stuff..just went in to take lots of brochures and door gifts..xD hahahaha!!!! KDU offered degree that major in mobile computing...which studies C++ Programming, IOS and android stuffs..Seems nice..xD But I still have a long way to go lar...=.=''' 1++ year to end my diploma..^^

Watched Dua Space company dancer performed contemporary chinese dance!! It's really nice!!! They will be performing until 4th of February if I'm not mistaken..Do support them at The Gardens! 
Had a simple dinner at home with sis and mum..^^ Otak-otak, bayam soup and raw vege!! ^^ Just nice!! ^^ And my dad so lovely!!! xD Bought supper for us!! Asam Laksa and Jawa Mee!!! xD 

Woke up damn early for ballet gang gathering..xD Dim Sum at Jin Xuan!!! ^^ Ms Yip, Joy, Queennie, Zhe Yuan, Ting Xin, sis and me!!! xD So nice to gather before Joy go to Australia to study for her diploma and degree!! ^^
Talked a lot!! xD It's nice to gather after so long so that we have something to talk!! HAHAHA!!! And so paiseh lar..xD Present from Yuan finally arrived at my hands after so long as I left it at Queennie's car after last gathering..>.<
OMG!!! Totally love it!!!! From Typo!!! ^^ I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH THX YUAN!!!!!! Had 2nd round at In House Cafe..^^ And rushed to TBS to go back Melaka!!! >.<

It's nice to spend these 4 days like this..xD Not very hectic, not very bored..xD I love gathering with with family..xD Looking forward to this Saturday's party at Mean Shan's house!!! ^^ I have surprise for you guys!! xD Till then..Bye! xD

Friday, 25 January 2013





因为今天是公共假期,星期五又没上课,所以今天早上就搭巴士回家咯!!! 他就叫我昨天陪他买新年衣..xD 哈哈哈!! 真的很兴奋!! 毕竟是第一次他要我陪他买衣服!!!

从8点早上到4++下午终于可以回宿舍了!!! 冲凉准备一下我们就出发到 MP DP 咯!! xD 去到那儿一会儿他就买到了一件长裤..哇..男生的 jeans 真的好贵哦..>.< 过后到 MP 的 Kenny Roger's 吃晚餐..说到这个才生气!! 又想起那时 Red Day 还是什么的..明明就说穿红色就可以 Buy 1 Free 1 的了!! 就偏偏到我们时才说一定要成为 Member 才可以!!! RM10 eh!!! 有种被欺骗的感觉!!! 真是气死人了!!!!
虽然真的很不爽 Kenny Roger's..可是还是来到这里吃晚餐..>.< 唉...不过两个人才点了这一餐哦..xD 因为知道是 Pink Day 之后决定过后去吃 Baskin Robbins 的哈哈哈!!! 哈哈哈!! 其实真的还蛮饱的..^^ 最重要还有他最喜欢吃的鸡肉..=.=''' 真的是肉食动物啊!!! >.<
 哈哈哈!! 看到他围着的粉红色外套吧..xD 一个人 share 2个 scoop..^^ 可是不知道是不是现在吃东西比较清淡还是什么的,觉得太甜了两个人差点吃不完..>.<

继续购物!!! 结果我买了一件高腰短裤、一件衣服和一件连身裙!! 他也买了一件jeans和一件衣服..>.< 本来说好是陪他的我买更多!!! 唉...女人啊..>.< 不过呢,哈哈哈!!! 很高兴啊!!! 买了一件超鲜艳红色的连身裙!!! xD 是我以前不敢买的大胆颜色..xD

然后就说回去呢,朋友一定叫我试穿给她们看的..xD 每一次有朋友出去逛街回来都会这种情形发生的..:P 然后就很期待回去试穿咯......


整个人真的很失望...满怀期待...才发现回到宿舍一个人都没有...一封 sms 说我们去唱K会1点才唱完这样都没有...如果你们有sms...或许我可以去找你们...或许我可以去别的地方待久一些...或许我就不需要一个人孤独地待在宿舍...一个人失望得独自入睡...

真的真的很失望...我是不是那么容易被人遗忘呢? 存在感0吗? 还是只有需要的时候才会想到我? 说什么怕我一个人在家..你们全部出去了难道我还有人陪吗? 印度人??!! 他打电话来时吓了一跳..哭了一下下声音也还没恢复正常..过后妈妈也打来问我是不是一个人在宿舍..真的很吓倒..说着说着眼泪都要掉下来了..

Saturday, 19 January 2013


今天马六甲一直下雨哦..至少是从下午一直下到现在半夜..>.< 因为没课所以干脆没调闹钟一睡睡到几乎11点!! xD 其实也因为生病了很懒得爬起来..>.< 明明就不舒服了..声音都变了..昨晚还和朋友在宿舍唱歌唱了至少有2小时..xD

以为会一直待在宿舍当宅女的..因为我说的"你来载我我就和你一起去campus"..所以就在campus和他吃午餐..在Pusat Komputer陪他读书..^^ 很冷..在里面待了有3个小时吧..身体热热的..回到宿舍直接睡觉..睡到7点多..本来有点小发烧的顿时什么都没有了!!! 睡觉的确是良药啊!! xD

虽然本来要一大班去Jonker的计划泡汤了..不过我们女生和他也去Windmill吃晚餐.吃得特别的饱..>.< 明明叫了主餐还要来个salad..>.< 饱死了啦!!!! 过后便和他到Mc D看戏..xD 看了"千与千寻"..^^ 是一部我看了超多遍的anime movie..^^

回来才看到朋友的部落格写她们一班一起去唱K!!! T.T 啊!!! 我很想要去啊!!! >.< 明明之前就一直说要一起唱K的!!! >.< 真是的..>.< 改次等我回去再唱可以吗?? T.T 要哭了啦!!! >.<
在facebook看到了这么一句..^^ 很有意思吧..^^

Wednesday, 16 January 2013


就和那两位coursemate聊天聊到结果不重要,最重要是过程..哈哈哈!! 不是不应该好好读书考好成绩..只是也应该享受大学生活..

所以昨晚当一大班女生出去mmu corner吃晚餐..我和凤玲却选择在宿舍吃得清淡一些..就煮了potato, 黄瓜和包菜..就这样吃了..哈哈哈!!!
就是那么的清淡..xD 感觉很像吃salad..xD 这就是我们的晚餐..^^ 然后呢,就准备要去campus打羽毛球..

话说我其实真的很久没打了..本身也打得不好..纯粹就享受运动的滋味罢了..>.< 所以每次真的其实很paiseh跟别人一起打羽毛球..因为我知道他们都觉得很闲啊!! =.=''' 尤其还要混双打..我啊,真的是怕死了..完全比平常打得还差!! 那个jj一定是真的很想一个羽球拍就打过来我的头顶了..>.< 只是不可能啦!! 哈哈哈!! 他的羽球拍那么贵..xD

然后就从9点多打到11点多..^^ 流汗流了一身真的有很爽的感觉!! ^^ 结果一个星期里就爬山和打羽毛球那么健康..xD 能自己驾车就是那么爽..想去哪里也可以..^^ 不需要每次跟人安排交通..>.< 

虽然有考试,虽然也很忙,不过忙里还能抽出时间运动做其他事情真的很不错..^^ 一直闷在宿舍读书脑袋都塞不进了..最重要我真的很不了解电脑啊..一些人都知道了的事我还要一个个去读..难怪一直被那位coursemate讲很没有common sense..=.=''' 真是的!!! 真的不会嘛!!! 解释一下你的common sense啦!!!

哈哈哈!!! 明天考试还没读完还在这里打部落格..因为我就是专爱挑考试时做其他无聊事..^^

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

I MISS YOU!!!! ^^

Really miss those days where I have to fight with my sis just to chat using Windows Messenger and MSN..xD hahaha!!! xD Although now we still fight sometimes, for facebook chat..xD These accompany me throughout my whole secondary school life..xD It's always nice to see the special 1 left an offline instant message for us..xD

But the main point is the fighting part..xD There's only 1 laptop at home and we have to always fight for our turn to reply those chat..xD Now that we stay at different states, have our own laptop..>.< Plus we didn't use Windows Messenger or MSN anymore..xD Miss those moments..^^

I miss how we walked back to our house once from Kenari housing area..xD OMG!! >.< So damn far and our bags are so heavy..>.< I miss how we used to have ballet classes and night..xD hahaha!!! xD I miss how we checked the dictionary when we were in primary school..xD Those NIGHTMARES!!! >.< And you are always so good to let me copy yours 1st so that I can sleep 1st..^^

I miss how you used to fetch us to ballet classes..anywhere..xD And we ate at Mill Wheel after ballet..just us..^^ I miss how we used to talk so much, lying on the bed..And how we used to hold hands when we sleep wakakaka!!!! xD Oh yea!! I miss how you used to tie my hair whenever it gone lose..>.<

I miss you...
Looking forward to go shopping with you..^^ Just you..^^ I LOVE YOU!!! xD

Monday, 14 January 2013


结果你在foursquare add了我后

所以就这样主动第一次和一位不认识的男的say hi..xD
不过我就鼓起勇气和你say hi..^^



Sunday, 13 January 2013


哈哈哈!! 就之前也和这个小孩子说想要爬Bukit Beruang山..然后他问时翠薇竟然说7点早上在他们宿舍meet!!! >.< 超早的说..>.<

最惨的是又迟睡..>.< 做assignment回去宿舍看到那两位小姐唱歌..忍不住也过去选几首高歌几曲..xD 哈哈哈!!! 结果差不多1点才睡觉..>.< 6点又要起来..>.< 闹钟最早响的又不起..一个等一个..谁都不要做第一个起身的人!! 结果我在我两个闹钟响了15分钟后勉强爬起来了..>.< 

 7点准准开车!!! 还要等他们!! 哈哈哈!!! 我们受够了!!! 改次我们女生要在约定时间迟半小时才到!! 是时候别人等我们了哈哈哈!!!! 

也不算爬山啦..毕竟是柏油路..走山吧!! 哈哈哈!!! xD 不过还蛮斜的..走时很像在拉筋这样..xD

 约7点爬山的翠薇小姐..xD 摆一副可憎的脸..=.='''
 唱K的伴!! 哈哈哈!!! 慧敏和凤玲!! ^^看到后面有一个Uncle静坐?? ^^
哈哈哈!!! 还有我们coursemate wei jie!! xD 
全部人..xD 有顺礼..搞怪的limbeh和小孩子jj..xD 还有guo yi..xD

开始下毛毛雨了所以就下山咯..^^ 走到一个游乐场玩..xD 雨也没下了..^^ 就在那边回忆一下童年哈哈哈!!! 坐跷跷板原来真的很恐怖..=.=''' 敲到屁股都痛啊!! xD 
回到EP吃早餐..^^ Roti canai!! xD 回到宿舍冲凉后现在全部都在睡觉了..xD 哈哈哈!!! 真的很累..>.< 我也要睡觉咯..xD 很开心哦..^^ 那位,不要太伤心哦..^^ 改次跟你走那个山啦..xD 我知道在哪里了..:P

Thursday, 10 January 2013


哈哈哈!! 其实从一开始Year 1就发生了很多趣事的了..xD
原因 : 一直放进去的钱都会吐回出来..>.<

结果..还把收零钱的外壳弄掉..=.=''' 粗鲁..xD
哪里知道还 sot 到自己..>.<
可怜死!!! >.<
原因 : 原本成功放进的RM1.70被洗衣机吞掉了啦!!!!
真的是赔了夫人又折兵啊!!! >.<

算啦..xD 一直拼命笑的我们三个..
终于完成用洗衣机的任务了!!! xD
哇...要找我们三个一起拍的照片竟然要翻回 Sem 2 的 album leh!!!

Monday, 7 January 2013



感谢 2012 年最后一天..
鼓起勇气和一位我一直很想认识的人say hi! xD
哈哈哈!!! 放心啦..xD

无遗憾了啦!!! xD


Sunday, 6 January 2013

Midterm Sem Break!

So I've been having a week sem break!! ^^ Finally I drove back from Melaka straight to 1 Utama..xD Drove until my butt also pain..=.=''' I always eat a lot of ho liao when I'm back to Puchong!! xD So just post some pictures of my ho liao..xD

Fong Lye
Set meal of don't-know-what chicken..=.=''' I don't know why there is kimchi but it tastes really good!! Side dishes taste great as well!! 
Cold noodles! xD Normally I like cold noodles, but this just isn't my cup of tea. The sauce not really nice in my opinion but my mum loves it! xD

Win Soon Yee Tou Mai
Last visited here during my birthday! xD Still taste so nice! xD

Yamagoya Ramen
 水饺..xD But it's a little 腻 in my opinion. Since there are 6 dumplings and only me and my mum ate it. And it's a little oily. Not as great as I thought it would be.
The most expensive ramen..=.=''' RM24 for this. But it tastes really nice! And it's really big bowl..xD The egg is not salty egg..xD But looks like one..xD

Seafood Aglio Olio Spaghetti! xD I love Aglio Olio so I chose this 1. The waiter did warn me that it's spicy..xD But it's worth it! There are chunks of dory fish, salmon fish, prawns, and 2 mussels! xD Really NICE!!!! xD Visited here while having dinner with 1 friend that I've not met for 4 years. xD 

Zakuro @ Scott Garden

 Tempura set meal!

 Chicken Teppanyaki Set! Surprisingly there are vegetables..xD Soup is a lil salty, as well as the vege and the chicken teppanyaki..>.<
 Soft-shell crab! xD Tastes quite good..xD RM18 instead of normal price RM30! xD 

Sushi Zanmai
Don't know where to go, at last decided on Sushi Zanmai. Queued up for quite long for our turn, 13 of us!! Farewell for Yu Xuan and You Ken! xD Both of them will be flying off to US on Thursday..>.< Really sad..>.< As both of them are my quite-close friends..xD hahaha!!! xD Thanks for belanja us! xD Next time when you guys are back at Malaysia, we will be the one belanja you guys! xD

 Ebi Tempura Temaki and Soft-shell crab Temaki! xD 

Unagi rice! xD I ordered a small 1, but it looks big too huh..xD Quite full! xD 

I will be missing you guys..>.< Though I can't go to the airport on Thursday..maybe I will phone 1 of you to say goodbye..^^ I don't wanna cry at the airport!! Wakakak!!! xD And for the 1 who say he wanna buy Coach bag for me, don't forget! xD hahaha!!! Nah! Just kidding..xD hahaha!!xD